What is Genius?

What is Genius?

Imagine being locked in a solitary confinement cell. You’re in complete darkness for two weeks, you’ve had no one to talk to, you have only your own voice to listen to and your ears have started to hear things that are not there. And of course the air around you stinks and so do you.

Imagine being let out of your cell. The air is clean and fresh. You hear birds and people around you very loud and clear. You cannot remember how to talk loud without your voice echoing. Everything people say is new and your eardrums are bursting with all the chatter. And of course the light is overpowering. And when you start to walk around you are very stiff.

Sir Winston Chirchill:
“I am easily satisfied with the very best.”

Now imagine yourself in a very similar situation but it is all in your head. All the rekindled sensations are hitting you as if each second seems like a minute, each minute seems like an hour and each hour is like a day.

You are now feelling the effects of genius.

What are you going to do now with all the sensations, sounds and feelings. From now until the end of your life! What will you do with all this time and energy?

Don’t worry it is all just a day (or rather second) in the the life of a genius.

Think of someone famous, a poet, a writer, actor, polititian, singer, designer, inventor. Now imagine the power of the brain in such persons.

The are not clever. They are not special. They are normal people, like any one else, but they have used what is normal and turned it into genius by persisting when others give in, by pursuing goals until there is no goal left to achieve.

Does this describe you? Then you are a genius!

Don’t give up, don’t listen when people say you’re mad, just do what you do. It is not important to be special, gifted or clever – just be you. Do what you want to do, hopefully you will help others to achieve their goals. Work on your deficiencies, and utilise your stronger characteristics.

Live the gift, enjoy the experience, and never give up when others laugh at you.

You are special, because you are a genius.

by: John C. Crook.

Source of photo:  http://www.allposters.com/-sp/Sir-Winston-Churchill-Posters_i386101_.htm

Source of quote:  http://thinkexist.com/quotes/Winston_Churchill/

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