The Outlook for Epilepsy

The Outlook

Epilepsy for most people is a long-term condition but today the outlook for the majority is very good. With modern drug treatments, up to 70% people diagnosed with epilepsy will not have seizures as long as medication is prescribed and taken correctly.  A few people are also able to benefit epilepsy surgery which, in some cases, can cure the condition completely.

As with other long term conditions such as asthma and diabetes, having epilepsy can impact on quality of life if seizures are not controlled, it can also carry with it associated heath risks.

Epilepsy is common but can raise many issues and questions for someone, particularly when first diagnosed.  Making informed choices about epilepsy and wider life issues can be made easier by talking things through the medical team, epilepsy help-line staff or other people with epilepsy.  Some local areas also have a epilepsy specialist nurse as a part of the local team.

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